In "GT L" Ltd there work highly qualified specialists with many years of experience in their respective fields. All types of the provided services are regulated by relevant documents and licenses. Work is executed using patented specialized equipment and technologies. There have been drawn-up and obtained corresponding invention patents relating to hydraulic engineering construction and ensuring the necessary level of environmental protection.
For the repair and renovation of the sheet and piled structures of hydraulic mooring constructions with a different section and location of piles there has been developed special equipment – hermetically sealed cameras of various modifications. Maintenance and repair work in the area of variable water levels is completed in a dry, i.e. completely isolated from water working area. Execution of work applying hermetically sealed cameras provides for the possibility of constant control of all the operations and creates the conditions for a high quality repair. The work can be performed avoiding withdrawing of the structure from exploitation.
There has been developed a method of enhancing the existing berthing facilities from a hermetically sealed camera by installing and tensioning of additional flexible anchor rods. This method can be applied in sea and river ports for the reconstruction of berthing quay structures of the anchored revetment type. The method is applicable, when the estimated depth of the water area and payloads are increased, as well as for stabilizing the emergency embankments and retaining walls.